What makes Bed Bug Fix® work so well?

Bed Bug Fix® is based on patented and patent pending technologies.   It’s the marriage of these technologies that creates a superior product.   Even though the ingredient names may look the same, that does not mean that the grade (quality) of these materials is the same.

Bed Bug Fix® uses only cold process essential oils.  Why?  Because the type of processing normally used in creating essential oils, uses heat that can destroy many of the compounds found in these oils.  It is these cold-processed compounds that are essential to the superior performance of Bed Bug Fix®.   Coupled with the synergistic support compounds, most importantly the patent pending soap complex,  Bed Bug Fix® is unlike other products on the market today.

Active Ingredients

2-Phenethyl Propionate2.0%
Cedar oil0.3%
Citronella oil0.2%
SUBTOTAL, Active Ingredients3.8%

Inactive Ingredients

Water, Soap (sodium salts of fatty acids), Sodium benzoate96.2%

Directions for Use

Tap the button to see the detailed directions for using Bed Bug Fix®:

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